luns, 18 de xaneiro de 2016

PROMYS. Programa para de inmersión matemática en Oxford durante seis semanas

PROMYS Europa na Universidade de Oxford é un programa intensivo de seis semanas de inmersión en matemáticas para  talentos  nesta materia preunivesitarios (16-18 anos).

PROMYS Europe 2016: Six-week summer immersion in mathematics closely modelled on the 27-year-old PROMYS programme at Boston University. 
 Partners: Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford; Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI); Wadham College, University of Oxford; and PROMYS, Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists.
 Eligible to apply: European pre-university students age 16 and up (by the start of the programme)
 Location: Wadham College, University of Oxford
 Dates: 10 July – 20 August, 2016
 Application and application problem set at <>  <
 Application deadline: 31 March, 2016
 Director of PROMYS Europe (and of PROMYS): Glenn Stevens, Professor of Mathematics at Boston University
 Cost to families: £1,000  (Cost is heavily subsidized by our partners.)
 Financial Aid: Full and partial need-based financial aid is available (also travel reimbursement)
 PROMYS Europe community: 18 first-year students, 6 returning students, 6 undergraduate counsellors, research mentors, faculty, and visiting mathematicians * Highly supportive, collaborative, and stimulating environment
 Mathematical focus: First-year students focus primarily on a series of very challenging problem sets and exploration labs in Number Theory. Advanced seminars, research projects, and numerous mini-courses and guest lectures are on a wide range of mathematical topics.
 Primary goals: Development of mathematical habits of mind that support independence and creativity in facing unfamiliar mathematical challenges * Asking good questions * Precision of thought * Depth of understanding
 Exceptional features:  Intensity and six-week duration * Rigorous discovery by students of fundamental mathematical truths * Individualized programme to ensure each student is fully challenged mathematically
 Details and testimonials: <
 Contact: Julia Rolnick, Director of Outreach: <>  

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